Some of you might know me from my 'My Gunpla' blog and some of you are first time readers here!
Well 2 weeks ago i said on my Gunpla blog that the blog would be about gunpla AND my WH40K hobby.
And i changed my mind about it and made a full 40K Blog right here! so welcome!
The blog is very basic now and kinda empty but i'm going to post some cool stuff about my Hobby and a small introduction you can read on my gunpla blog buy hay i'll quote it for ya: 'i play the Tau Empire,that i really like they are a very young alien race but have evolved the most fastest of all the races as they are very hi-tech if you compare them to the other races.'
Well about my current tau army it's just a starter and by the time you'll see my whole army but just to show some pics,because we all know the story isn't true without the picture so here is my first Tau Hammerhead
Just started painting him,did some details on the front and am currently busy with some other stuff too but my hammerhead has priority, one of the grandest tanks of 40k!
Ohyeah my army colors are:
Necron abbys(tank colours battlesuit colors and fire warrior cloth colors)
Codex grey for smaller pieces on armor on tanks and piranha's and armor pieces and helm's of fire warriors
Ice Blue & Blood Red and Scorpion Green for lenses and barrels
Tin Bitz for some details and other stuff(use some mithril silver for the same purpose too)
and the drones in it are as an example of how they should be the drones of the Piranha so not the actual drones
Also i've got a good basic army but a full list of it i'll put on later.
well so far of the introduction click on 'follow' to get updates!
I will try to update my blog at least once a week!
stay tuned!
Hello bro, I am the first follower. :P Keep it up! :)